Resource Mobilization Officer Job at Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH)

Resource Mobilization Officer Job at Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH)

The Ajira
3 minute read

 Job Overview

Resource Mobilization Officer  

Dar es Salaam

Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH)

Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) is a National Referral Hospital, Research Center and University teaching Hospital .

Muhimbili National Hospital in collaboration with Emory University has received a Grant from Abbott Fund Tanzania for implementation of activities under the Emory Muhimbili Partnership for Health Administration Strengthening and Integration of Services(EMPHASIS).

To effectively implement its 5 years Corporate Strategic Plan the Hospital has planned to strengthen its Resources Mobilization base and therefore wishes to recruit Resource Mobilization Officer for 1 year contract (renewable upon mutual agreement and availability of fund)


Reporting to the Head of Strategy and Business Development, the Resource Mobilization Officer shall be responsible for overall oversight and coordination of development partners engagement and proposal development. She/ He will work with all other staff to develop and submit high quality institutional and high value donor proposals that are aligned with defined MNH priorities, demonstrate impact, and other value for money. She/ He will be responsible to build the capacity of MNH to develop and manage strategic consortium partnerships with Local and International institutions, NGO, private sector organizations and individual philanthropists.


To be a focal person in implementation of MNH Resource Mobilization Strategy;

To network, update and liaise with key in-country and international development partners;

To provide effective coordination for the establishment of proposal development working groups with representatives from key stakeholders within and outside MNH;

To advise Hospital Management and business development teams and working groups on relevant development partners requirements/ compliance, potential funding opportunities, changes in development partners’ priorities and ensuring quality grant management for all related projects;

To interface with Public Relations Unit for development partners mapping and communication;

To act as the interface between Finance Department and program/ project teams to ensure grant compliance;

To ensure fundraising staff have individual work plans and up to date development plans;

To work closely with all the funding affiliates and relevant program departments to ensure high quality and timely submission of proposals and concept notes, Project Report/ Project Progress Reports to donors and funding affiliate.

With support from clinicians, Head of Research, Training and Consultancy Unit and Hospital Management, to identify and facilitate opportunities for relationship building with key stakeholders;

To develop and manage strategic consortium partnerships with appropriate universities, NGOs and health facilities;

To perform any other resource mobilization related duties.


Holder of bachelor degree in social sciences majoring in one of the following fields; marketing, business administration, economics, statistics, project planning and management.

Candidate possessing Master’s degree in public health shall have an added advantage.

Minimum of 2 years working experience as a resource mobilization officer or marketing officer in NGO or Research institution.


A signed application letter with certified copies of academic certificates and up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV) with three referees with reliable contacts, postal address, e-mail, and mobile numbers should be addressed to

Executive Director,

Muhimbili National Hospital,

P.O. Box 65000,

Dar Es Salaam

Via the following email address: Email:

Application Deadline: 22th July, 2022


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