Team Leader Jobs Opportunities at GIZ Tanzania

Team Leader Jobs Opportunities at GIZ Tanzania

The Ajira
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Team Leader Job At Lifewater International (Lifewater) Tanzania
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Position: Team Leader (m/f/d) in the Technical Assistance to support the implementation of Agriconnect on Sector Enablers and Business Environment for Tea, Coffee and Horticulture in Tanzania

• Job-ID:P1690V001
• Location:Dodoma
• Assignment period:02/03/2020 – 02/02/2024
• Field:Rural Development
• Type of employment:full-time
• Application deadline:09/22/2019

Job description
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a state owned organisation. We work worldwide in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. GIZ International Services (InS) is an integral division of GIZ. We offer the experience, the regional and technical know-how of GIZ in the global market and provide international clients with expertise in terms of economic and result-oriented services.
GIZ International Services is shortlisted for the EU-funded project: „ Technical assistance to support the implementation of Agriconnect on Sector Enablers and Business Environment for Tea, Coffee and Horticulture”in Tanzania.

The overall objective of the Programme “Agri-Connect: Supporting value chains for shared prosperity”, of which this contract will be an essential part, is to contribute to inclusive economic growth, promote private sector development and job creation in the agricultural sector and to increase food and nutrition security in Tanzania, by promoting the productivity, commercialization and competitiveness of the tea, coffee and horticulture sectors.
Jobs Opportunities at GIZ Tanzania
The purpose of this contract is to provide a Technical Assistance Team (TAT) to assist primarily the Ministry of Agriculture in mainland, the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural resources, Livestock and Fisheries in Zanzibar, and other relevant national and local institutions and actors along the value chain to improve the sector enablers and business environment for the tea, coffee and horticulture value chains, within the framework of the respective agricultural development strategies.

Your tasks
The Team Leader is under the supervision of the Directors for Policy and Planning within Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources, Livestock and Fisheries (MANRLF) in Zanzibar, and in coordination with the AGRI-CONNECT focal points, the NAO and EU Delegation, the Team Leader is has following tasks, among others:
Provide leadership in the coordination and management of the TAT (both Long Term and Short Term Experts);
Guide the team so as bring benefits to MoA and MANRLF capacity in agricultural policy analysis and planning, incorporating a private sector/business development approach;
Provide collaborative policy research and outreach to MoA and MANRLF, combined with policy advisory and coordination activities;
Liaise with other decision-making institutions (including MIT, Registrar of Treasury of the Ministry of Finance and Planning, the institution responsible for parastatals and boards, etc.) when reviewing and assessing laws, policies and regulations affecting the selected commodities.

 Qualification and skills

Advanced University Degree in International Development, Economics, Business Management and Finance, Agriculture Economics, or other relevant fields;
Fluency in English
Fluency in Swahili considered an asset
General professional experience

Preferably 15 but a minimum of 10 years’ experience in managing similar agricultural development projects of similar size.
Specific professional experience

Private Sector/Business Development profile
Expertise in policy and regulatory reforms, institutional capacity building
Experience in agricultural business development programmes and public-private partnerships
Experience in the EAC region
Proven track records of leadership positions with capacity of guiding and supervising multidisciplinary teams
Knowledge of principles and working methods of Project Cycle management and EC policies and aid delivery methods
Thorough knowledge of EDF procedures
Location information
For all the technical assistance assignments the services shall be undertaken in Dodoma and Zanzibar Town in order to provide best support to the relevant stakeholders (Ministries). In undertaking their duties, experts may be required to travel within the country.
Start date & period of implementation
The intended start date is 03/02/2020 and the period of implementation of the contract will be 48 months from this date (880 man-days).

Please note that we basically can only receive and process applications sent via our e-recruiting system. Should you not be able to do so, please contact the person named in the job advertisement.
After submitting an application, please check your spam/junk folder regularly for incoming messages, as emails from our e-recruiting system are treated as spam by some providers.
GIZ would like to improve the share of disabled employees, both in Germany and abroad. Applications from persons with disabilities are most welcome.
We would like to ask you to apply with a CV in Europeaid format.
If we caught your interest, we are looking forward to your application until 22.09.2019.   


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