TANGAZO KUTOKA BODI YA MIKOPO ELIMU YA JUU - Higher Education Students Loan Boards (HESLB) Start To Educate Students To Apply Loan 2019/2020

TANGAZO KUTOKA BODI YA MIKOPO ELIMU YA JUU - Higher Education Students Loan Boards (HESLB) Start To Educate Students To Apply Loan 2019/2020

The Ajira
TANGAZO KUTOKA BODI YA MIKOPO ELIMU YA JUU - Higher Education Students Loan Boards (HESLB) Start To Educate Students To Apply Loan
TANGAZO KUTOKA BODI YA MIKOPO ELIMU YA JUU - Higher Education Students Loan Boards (HESLB) Start To Educate Students To Apply Loan.

Higher Education Students Loan Boards (HESLB) started to provide education to the secondary students on criteria and how to apply for loan academic year 2019/2020.This important step has been announced by HESLB CEO, Abdul-Razaq Badru, while speaking to 1,166 pupils of the sixth grade from all 12 schools in Maswa district, Simiyu province.
It is an important step because the operation of these programs is aimed at addressing the challenges students face when applying for higher education loans.HESLB started operating these programs in Dar es Salaam region.The director in his statement explained that the program has been developed as a result of various stakeholders' comments about the challenges that have been a major concern for many.

We recognize that these loans are provided to enable many students from poor families to afford school fees and accommodation, while they are in their quest to achieve their dreams of qualification.For several years there have been complaints from some of these credit providers, so we believe this education will help reduce if it is not completely eliminating the challenges that cause the situation.

The HESLB report notes that more than 57,000 credit applicants who received a qualification for the year 2018/2019, more than 9,000 applications were severe.Now the program shows some of the things that seemed to distract many applicants including students not understanding the features of the loan.

So along with other things now through the program, they have also been asked which key documents are required, how to apply and submit correctly these applications through the Internet.Also how they should focus on the procedure and the importance of restoring the loan once completed.

The deficit includes a lack of documentation as birth certificates, proper depositors' certificates, signatures of applicants, sponsors or local governments or villages.

We believe that the students will make sure they carefully read the guidelines provided by HESLB which describe how to apply for the loan gradually.Interestingly, HESLB has taken that step at the right time for May Form Six students will start their national examinations as a point of searching for tickets to join higher education institutions.

We urge HESLB to pull more speed to reach all qualified students to apply for such loans, believing that it will help increase the number of scholars in the country.

There is a great advantage in increasing the elite in the country, as they will help in the speed of development by achieving the Government's five-phase government led by President John Magufuli to be a country of central economy to hamper industrial construction.

If we do not plan well to make sure we produce enough professionals we will end up employing visitors to the industries we are building, so HESLB vacuum to fight these challenges.It is our expectation that the board will take immediate action to address the challenges that arise in the issuing of credit as it did by providing education in secondary schools.

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