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Position: Individual consultant - Review business marketing and advertisment content to identify stereotypes which promote gender socialisation of children and adolescents in Tanzania.
Job Number: 525546
Locations: Africa: Tanzania,Uni.Re
Work Type : Consultancy
Opening Date Thu Aug 08 2019 09:00:00 GMT+0300 (East Africa Time) E. Africa Standard Time
Closing Date Sun Aug 11 2019 23:55:00 GMT+0300 (East Africa Time)
UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.
Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.
And we never give up.
For every child, [Protection]
Business marketing and advertisements target and reach millions of people on a daily basis and, therefore, have a significant impact on society. Gender sensitive marketing has recently become a central concern of UNICEF for the impact it could have on gender socialization of children (boys and girls). UNICEF cares about marketing practices that could affect development outcomes for children and prevent UNICEF from achieving its goals. Addressing how business marketing and advertisements impact children’s gender socialization is aligned with UNICEF’s Gender Action Plan and Strategic Plan Goal 5: Every Child has an Equitable Chance in Life. Thus, giving the opportunities to address harmful practices and promoting positive gender norms through effective business marketing and advertisements.
In January 2019 UNICEF Gender Section organized an internal global workshop which brought together staff from the Region, Country Offices and relevant headquarters departments to explore possible business engagement opportunities that can contribute to deconstruct harmful gender stereotypes and promote empowering gender norms through business marketing and advertisement.
It is evident that businesses whether small or large, interact with and have effects on the lives of children both directly and indirectly. The effects can be positive or negative, long-lasting and even irreversible. Therefore, respecting and supporting children’s rights requires businesses to both prevent harm and actively safeguard children’s interests. In promoting products and services, the business sector employs rigorous and extensive marketing strategies through advertisements using various media channels/platforms.
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Recently, with the increase of visual media platforms, advertisement plays a key role in cultivating perceptions and beliefs of customers. The meaning of advertisements is created through their reception by customers, which information is packaged in a specific context by using commonly shared cultural knowledge. Cultural norms and values play very important roles in the development and construction of stereotypical gender roles, and these roles are transferred from the real world to the world of advertisements. Thus, gender image is most widely used by advertisers to capture the audience’s attention and to positively link their products with the feelings of their targeted group. Advertisement is increasingly pervasive, powerful, and frequently containing content that effectively perpetuates gender stereotypes. For instance, an advert on the nutritious food which shows that baby girls will grow up to be famous dancers and baby boys engineers. Others can show a man with his feet up while a woman cleans, cooks or setting a dining table. Most of the times in countries with strong gender values and customs like Tanzania, these adverts are significant conduit of harmful gender stereotypes when promoting limiting gender norms. Gender stereotypes affect people’s thoughts, actions, behaviors, life choices, and life outcomes. For instance, gender stereotypes are all too often lead to limiting children’s opportunities and consequently their right to self-expression and the realization of their fullest potential. On the other hand, marketing can be constructive when it creates and disseminates empowering messages.
The TCO long term and well-established partnership with the business and media sectors presents possible entry point to engage key stakeholders in the business marketing and advertisement industry to promote positive gender norms for instance political parties showing a woman wining a political position and discourage the harmful ones. This builds on the renewed focus of the midterm review of the current country programme (2016-2021) which identified a priority of engaging a business sector to support promotion and protection of children’s rights. UNICEF would like to engage the business sector and ensure that while strengthening their brand/reputation they should also play a critical role to mitigate risks of harming children, give back to the society, increase public profile/awards, obtain social licenses to operate in society, improve business competitiveness as well as achieve compliance of national and international agreements.
In order, to establish a stronger link between marketing, gender socialization and outcomes for girls and boys, UNICEF TCO needs to strengthen advocacy based on a moral imperative. Therefore, it is important to establish a wider range of tangible evidence with which to make the business case for addressing business marketing influence on gender socialization.
UNICEF Workshop Report on Promoting Positive Gender Norms through Effective Marketing
1. Purposes and Objectives
The findings of the review will be used by the UNICEF Communication, Advocacy and Partnership section to develop advocacy agenda, communication and knowledge products for the integration of gender perspectives in the ongoing partnerships with the private sector.
As well, the findings will be used by other stakeholders engaging with the business marketing and advertisements with the interest to safeguard children’s rights and promote positive gender socialization. This gender review will focus on the analysis of the content from the selected print and electronic advertisements for a span of 5 years and solicit stakeholders perspectives on the content of the business marketing and advertisements and gender socialization.
Specifically, the gender review will focus on
- Analysing business marketing and advertisements content from the public and private televisions stations (TV), radios, newspapers and social media in order to understand how it portrays men and women and children (girls and boys).
- Assessing the roles assigned to men and women; boys and girls and why that role is assigned to either men or women; boys or girls.
- Assessing the perspective of the business stakeholders on the business marketing and advertisements and gender socialisation
- Proposing actionable recommendations for UNICEF’s entry point to address the identified gender stereotypical practices and perspectives in the business marketing and advertisements.
2. Methodology and technical approach
This gender review will employ qualitative methods in collecting both secondary and primary data. The data collection will be done through:
In addition:
The consultant is required to adhere to UNICEF Procedure for Ethical Standards in Research, Evaluation and Data Collection and Analysis (effective from 1st April, 2015). For this purpose, it is suggested that the consultant complete the Agora course on Ethics in Evidence Generation (
3.Scope of work, tasks ,deliverables and timeframe
Scope of work:
- Conducting analysis of the content of business advertisements. The content analysis will allow the systematic measure of advertising content to make inferences to Tanzania social context and its influence on gender socialization. The description data on the representation of men and women in advertising, the category of product being advertised, scene location, role, whether the situation in which the actor is presented was more or less traditional, actor credibility (whether he or she is construed as a product user), physical appearance of actor, representation of relationships between main character and other characters in the advertisement, representation of product benefits and level of sexism.
- Conducting interviews with key informants (KIIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs) from business companies who are the content owners and the media houses (editors). The KIIs and FGDs will provide detailed information on the narrative that inform the development of advertisement content. Before the commencement of work, the consultant will undertake an in-depth desk review. UNICEF will provide the necessary documents to the consultant on the signing of the contract.
In addition:
- The consultant shall develop a detailed methodology and technical approaches on selected qualitative methods on data collection and analysis in the proposal. The proposed approaches will be discussed and agreed by UNICEF during the finalization of the inception report.
- The consultant will liaise with UNICEF’s Private Sector Engagement Specialist and Gender Specialist in accomplishing the task.
The consultant is required to adhere to UNICEF Procedure for Ethical Standards in Research, Evaluation and Data Collection and Analysis (effective from 1st April, 2015). For this purpose, it is suggested that the consultant complete the Agora course on Ethics in Evidence Generation (
3.Scope of work, tasks ,deliverables and timeframe
Scope of work:
The focus of this gender review in business advertisement and marketing, is expected to engage the business companies and media houses in Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar. This review will include consultations with advertisement content producers, business and media owners. Also, consultations will involve conducting KIIs with government ministries, departments and agencies. The start date is expected to be 25th August 2019. This assignment is expected to take 20-working days which is expected to be completed within two months from the date of signing the contract.
Tasks, Deliverables and Time frameGuidance
The consultant is expected to accomplish the following tasks:
- Desk review of legal and policies regulating business marketing and advertisements in Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar.
- Desk review of relevant literature of previous studies conducted in Tanzania and other parts of the world on the subject matter.
- Conduct KIIs with government ministries, departments and agencies.
- Collect and analyze content of advertisements that will be collected from the print and electronic media houses. In collaboration with UNICEF and partners, the consultant will select media houses with adequate representation in terms of products diversity, audience, language and regional spread. Consultant will be required to sharpen the selections criteria as necessary.
- Conduct KII and FGDs with business and media owners and leaders in civil society organizations working on children rights
- Analyze the gender socialization dimensions of the business advertisement in Tanzania.
- Propose policy advocacy and programmatic responses and entry points that UNICEF will tap-on to address identified gender bottlenecks and barriers in promoting positive gender norms.
- Draft and submit draft and final reports to UNICEF Tanzania.
4. Management
The consultant will work under the general leadership of the Chief of Communication, Advocacy and Partnership (CAP) section with the technical support of the Gender Specialist and Private Sector Specialist; and administrative support from sector gender focal points in Dar es salaam and Zanzibar Field Office
5. Qualifications and experience required:
The selected candidate should possess the following background and experience:
- Advanced degree in the field of gender and development, journalism, marketing, development studies, sociology, economics, law, and or public administration and at least eight years of progressively responsible professional experience on gender and marketing and or media.
- Knowledge on the influence of media on gender socialization, marketing theories and advertisement techniques.
- Demonstrated capacity and proven experience of more than 5 years on designing and conducting gender analysis and producing quality reports
- Demonstrated strength in collaborative working arrangements.
- Should be available to travel to Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar.
- Fluency in English is required, and knowledge of Kiswahili language will be an asset.
6. Estimated budget
The consultant shall provide an all-inclusive cost in the financial proposal including international and local travels during assignment in Dar es salaam and Zanzibar.