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Position: Consultancy for conducting gender analysis to strengthen the integration of gender equality perspectives.
Job Number: 525344
Locations: Africa: Tanzania,Uni.Re
Work Type : Consultancy
Opening Date Wed Jul 31 2019 09:00:00 GMT+0300 (East Africa Time) E. Africa Standard Time
Closing Date Wed Aug 14 2019 23:55:00 GMT+0300 (East Africa Time)
Purposes and Objectives
The purpose of this gender analysis of parenting practices and socialization processes in selected districts in Tanzania is to generate a body of evidence on good practices and gaps which perpetuate gender inequalities that will inform and strengthen the integration of gender equality perspectives in the implementation of the Responsible Parenting and Family Care (RPFC) Agenda and Movement in Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar respectively.
During the development of the RPFC Agenda efforts were made to try to ensure gender equality integration, however, more is required to understanding gender norms governing parenting practices. As the implementation of the Agenda is still at early stages and will continue for a longer period of time (2019-2030), a gender analysis is critical to improve the integration of gender equality and if necessary, to help to revise the planned interventions to ensure that they are all gender responsive. The findings of the gender analysis of the parenting practices and gender socialization processes in selected districts of Tanzania will primarily inform UNICEF sector programmes supporting the implementation of RPFC Agenda, the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children; Ministry of Education, Science and Technology for Zanzibar: Ministry of Labour, Empowerment, Elderly, Women and Children; Ministry of Education and Vocational Training other Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs) and other relevant Media houses, Local Government Authorities (LGAs), FBOs and UN agencies supporting the implementation of the RPFC Agenda to design and implement gender responsive and/or transformative parenting interventions.
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Specific objectives of the analysis:
- Have a better understanding of the gender dynamics at play that govern socialization and parenting practices;
- Examine the roles and responsibilities, access to resources and services as well as decision-making and power and control among male and female parents and caregivers that influence parenting and socialization practices
- Identify and analyze existing gender stereotypical attitudes in parenting practices, including existing positive practices, among parents and key stakeholders at the household and community levels.
- Propose actionable recommendations on appropriate gender responsive and/or transformative measures to address identified gaps in each institution/sector to support parents in influencing child development and parenting/socializing children in early years of development and adolescence.
Methodology and technical approach
The study will mainly use qualitative research methods to collect, analyze and present data collected from primary and secondary sources. The study will be informed by literature from various sources as well as collection of information from parents and other care-givers, boys and girls in the first decade of life (0-9 years) and adolescent girls and boys (10-14 years; 15-19 years), government officials from relevant ministries, regional and local government authorities, community and religious leaders as well as influential community members. The consultant will also gather information from key implementers such as international and local NGOs, teachers, social welfare and community development officers, health care workers and all other relevant institutions. The analysis and presentation of data will be disaggregated gender.
Secondary data collection
- Literature review to understand the available knowledge in existing documents concerning local understandings of parenting (and gender roles), childhoods, health, nutrition, discipline and education of children in the home
- Literature review of previous studies and research on parenting in Tanzania which will inform the strength and gaps on gender responsive parenting practices;
- Review relevant documents (national reports on gender issues, relevant data related to child protection, social protection and inclusion, education, health, nutrition, early childhood development and adolescent parenting and evaluations, etc);
- Review of national policies, laws and other frameworks which governs parenting and socialization processes;
- Review of grey literature produced by NGOs and CBOs and multilaterals organizations relevant to parenting and gender socialization.
Primary Data collection
- Primary data will be collected from six UNICEF supported districts in Mbeya, Iringa, Njombe Songwe, Kigoma and Zanzibar.
- Key informants interviews (with selected influential community members, district government offices of Gender, Community Development/Social Welfare, Health, Education)
- Focus Group Discussions with parents and other caregivers (Men and women in selected communities/villages including girls and boys 10-14 years and 15-19 years and with selected community groups)
- Girls and boys need to be consulted using child-friendly methodologies.
- All data needs to be disaggregated by sex and age (clearly indicate where disaggregated data is not available)
- Actively involve women and men, girls and boys from diverse social groups in the analysis (e.g. children in school versus children out of school; mothers and fathers and other female and male caregivers with infants and children under the age of 5 versus mother and fathers and other female and male caregivers with children at adolescence)
The consultant will work closely with the UNICEF Tanzania Country Office team and with the partner LGAs and CSOs.
In addition:
- The consultant shall develop a detailed methodology and technical approaches on selected qualitative methods data collection and analysis in the proposal. The proposed approaches will be discussed and agreed by UNICEF and government authorities during the finalization of the inception report.
- The consultant will liaise with UNICEF Sections, gender focal points from Child Protection, Education, HIV/AIDS, Nutrition, Health, Social Policy and WASH and focal points from key Ministries (MOHCDGEC and PO-RALG) for Mainland and MLEEWC and Ministry of Education and Vocational Training for Zanzibar. ECD and Adolescent focal persons in UNICEF.
The consultant is required to adhere to UNICEF Procedure for Ethical Standards in Research, Evaluation and Data Collection and Analysis (effective from 1st April, 2015). For this purpose, it is suggested that the consultant complete the Agora course on Ethics in Evidence Generation (Â and obtain research and ethical clearance from NIMRI and National Bureau of Statistics before conducting data collection
Scope of work, tasks, deliverables and timeframe
Scope of work:
The focus of the gender analysis is expected to take place in communities from six districts (5 in Tanzania mainland and 1 in Zanzibar). One district will be selected from each UNICEF partner region: Mbeya, Iringa, Njimbe, Songwe, Kigoma and Zanzibar. The in-depth studies including consultation with mothers, fathers, caregivers and other stakeholders will be conducted at the district and community levels.
Tasks, Deliverables and Time frame
The whole assignment is expected to take about 45 man-days which is expected to be completed within three months from the date of signing the contract. The start date is expected to be 10th August 2019. The consultant is expected to accomplish the following tasks:
- Desk review of key documents, including the National Responsive Parenting and Family Care (RPFC) Agenda for Mainland and Movement for Zanzibar and prepare an inception report.
- Conduct key informant interviews with government officials and leaders in civil society organizations to understand the parenting policy environment before field work.
- Field work in selected Districts both in Mainland and Zanzibar. The field work should include FGDs and interviews with girls/boys, mothers/parents, teachers, government officials, Community key influencers (especially religious and local leaders) and school committees.
- Analyze and document the gender dimensions of parenting and socialization practices of children in early years (0-4 years, 5-9 years) and adolescence (10-14 years, 15-19 years); and social roles and relations, power, and aspirations including an understanding of gender norms and entry points to address masculinities, identifying risks and opportunities for supporting gender equality around RPFC Agenda and Movement at national and community levels;
- Propose programmatic responses to address identified gender bottlenecks and barriers that are inhibiting gender socialization in families, and how communities and institutions such as schools and FBO (churches and mosques) will play a central role to empower and support male and female parents to exercise positive and gender responsive parenting;
- Identify key relevant indicators to measure progress for gender results in the RPFC Agenda, and/or propose new indicators if needed;
- Identify capacity gaps in effectively mainstreaming gender in parenting and provide recommendations to address them,
- Draft and submit reports on time to UNICEF